Let The Madness Begin
Today I lost whatever I guessed was the last decent shred of my own sanity.
I had one of those days where it felt like everything was gonna implode while also setting itself on fire. And the thing is. I'm not really the type of person to complain. I've learnt the hard way, that no matter what happens in life. It's my fault. Yeah you can say there are some serious things that happen that aren't your fault and arguments can be made... Although when it comes to me being an adult human male. I've decided to own everything. The wins and the losses. And more importantly the losses.
I look at today and the younger generation and I just see the constant whining about how everything is their parents fault or their grandparents fault. Like motherfucker please. Our parents and their parents had their own issues to fight with. You on the other hand are fighting about stupid shit about whether or not the milk you're drinking is going to change your own personality... Grow up.
Maybe it's because I'm pushin 40 that I look at the world from this lense of wonder. Wondering if we're doomed to a society where everyone is just wrapped in some form of madness that doesn't seem to want to be healed.
Maybe it's cause people love this little "comfort"
I can't seem to put my finger on it, but it's just a mixture of me not giving a fuck while also wondering what went wrong in today's world. I'm optimistic though. I believe things will get better but there's always going to be a cost. Do I know what the cost is? I mean I could guess but that's just making things a lot harder than it needs to be. So personally I'd rather just keep being the one sitting on the outside of modern society. Peaking in at the world. Doing my work which I always strive to make good and pray that nothing will implode anymore than it currently is... And maybe I'll start to add some extra sauce to these rants. Maybe learn ya a thing or two. Who knows...